Many adults suffer from foot problems, and these issues often date back to childhood. Only 40% of people still have feet that were has healthy as they were born with when they reach adulthood, and this is due to ill-fitting shoes during their early years. This is why it’s so important to choose the right footwear for your little ones, to ensure they stand the best chance of growing up with healthy feet that don’t ache or cause them pain. So, what should you be looking out for when you’re shopping?

Make Sure You Have The Right Size

A surprising number of children are walking around in shoes that are too large or too small. Both cause problems. You need to measure your child’s foot properly.

  • Ask your child to stand against the wall, keeping their feet flat to the floor. Draw a line where each foot’s longest toe ends. Measure the distance from the wall to this line.
  • Next, ask your child to stand on some paper and trace the outline of their feet onto it. Measure from the heel to the longest toe to get the right length.
  • Use a shoe size chart to determine which size shoe is right for your child. If the size falls between two different sizes, go for the bigger one. Make sure you fit the shoes to the foot which is longer.

Which Material Should Shoes Be Made Of?

The best material for your child’s shoes is a natural one like leather. This will enable your child’s feet to breathe, preventing moisture while circulating the air inside the shoe, but while also being robust enough to protect their feet from outside As leather is moldable, it will also change to fit the shape of your child’s foot perfectly for absolute comfort all day long.


Choosing shoes that are flexible is the best idea for your child since their tendons and bones are still soft in their feet. You need a shoe that is study enough to give them balance and stability, but flexible enough to allow free movement, all without inhibiting proper foot growth.

What About Style?

Just because your child needs high-quality shoes that fit well and that offer great flexibility and support, that doesn’t mean that they can’t have stylish footwear. The Atlanta Mocassin kids shoes brand offers a great choice of beautiful yet practical footwear for boys and girls for all occasions. Whether you and your child are heading to a formal event or whether you’re just looking for a pair of beautifully designed shoes for wear on an everyday basis, you’re sure to find just what you’re looking for from this range.

Here at Hal Shoes, we stock a comprehensive range of Atlanta Mocassin shoes, so you can be confident of finding just what you’re looking for with us.